Johnson & Johnson Vision Presents New Data on Myopia, Intraocular Lenses, Phacoemulsification, Dry Eye Drops, Vision Science and Refractive Technologies at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2022 Meeting

- Myopia research validates need for approaches and programs that reduce myopia prevalence and severity to reduce visual impairment
- New research validates systems and methodologies used to evaluate dysphotopsia and the tolerance to residual errors of different intraocular lenses
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., and IRVINE, Cali – May 4, 2022 – Johnson & Johnson Vision*, a global leader in eye health and part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech**, is presenting twenty-six poster and podium presentations focusing on myopia, cataract, dry eye, vision science, and refractive research at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2022 Live and Virtual Annual Meeting. Johnson & Johnson Vision posters, papers, and presentations can be accessed through the virtual meeting platform.
“The research our team at Johnson & Johnson Vision is presenting at ARVO can make an impact on the visual outcomes for patients,” said Xiao-Yu Song, MD, PhD, Global Head of Research and Development, Johnson & Johnson Vision.*** “Our ongoing myopia research points to the importance of early identification and treatment approaches for myopia to reduce potential severity of visual impairments. And our assessments of the tolerance to refractive errors (TRE) and photic phenomena with different intraocular lens (IOL) technologies allows us to develop best in class IOLs giving surgeons better options as they choose the best IOLs for their patients.”
Myopia Research Evaluating Myopia Progression and Visual Impairment
Myopia is sometimes called ‘nearsightedness’ but it is much more. It is a chronic and progressive disease that poses the biggest eye health threat of the 21st Century.1,2,3,4 Young children that are less than 12 years of age and become myopic are the most vulnerable to develop high myopia and are at increased risk of sight-threatening eye diseases later in life.5 Half of the world’s population is projected to be myopic by 2050 with nearly one billion people expected to have high myopia.6
New data presented at ARVO 2022 by Johnson & Johnson Vision looks at race and the age of onset for myopia to better understand myopia progression and re-looks at the global prevalence of uncorrectable visual impairment in 2020 to account for the increasing prevalence of myopia, which had not previously been done.
The Role of Myopia in 2020 Global Uncorrected Visual Impairment
Jong, Monica, et al. Previous estimates of the prevalence of global visual impairment have not accounted for the increasing prevalence of myopia, particularly in older individuals. This study estimates, assuming the data of Tideman et al. are applicable to the global population,7 that some 29% of global uncorrectable visual impairment is attributable to myopia. Failure to account for the increasing prevalence of myopia among the aging population leads to a substantial underestimate of the prevalence of uncorrectable visual impairment. The authors suggest that approaches that treat diseases associated with myopia are needed to reduce visual impairment, along with programs that reduce myopia prevalence and severity.
Final Level of Myopia versus Age of Onset: Effect of Race and Age at Final Refraction
Bullimore, Mark et al. Myopia severity has a profound impact on visual impairment in later life. The study reviews data from children and adults from around the world seeking to determine the influence of age of onset on the final recorded level of myopia, and what is the relative benefit to slowing progression and delaying onset. The authors suggest that delaying onset of myopia by just one year has potential to lower the final level myopia.
New Methods Simulate Photic Phenomena and Assess the TRE of Different IOLs
Older adults lead active lifestyles, necessitating a variety of visual needs, including a wide range of vision.8,9 Dysphotopsia not only disrupts vision but can reduce visual contrast and interfere with a patient’s ability to carry out certain activities.10,11
Research presented at ARVO validates new systems and methodologies to evaluate photic phenomena induced by IOLs, and the evaluation of the TRE of different IOLs, which may aid surgeons in the selection of IOLs for their cataract patients.
Pre-clinical methods to evaluate photic phenomena in intraocular lenses
Jenkins, Mark D. et al. The study was conducted to introduce and validate a new system and methodology to evaluate photic phenomena (halos, glare and starbursts) induced by different IOL technologies using a “see-through” IOL analyzer system in phakic subjects. The investigators found that the IT1 system can be used to simulate photic phenomena induced by different IOL technologies in phakic eyes. Certain quantitative methods showed a high correlation with the subjective perception of photic phenomena found in cataract patients implanted with the same IOL models. However, exact conditions under which the tests are performed (glare source brightness, scene selection/brightness, subject expectations/variability) can have large effects on test results.
Preclinical evaluation of tolerance to refractive errors with different intraocular lenses
Canovas, Carmen. Literature shows that the TRE varies for different IOL designs. The purpose of this study is to preclinically evaluate the TRE of different IOL models. Computer simulations showed that the monofocal aspheric, the monofocal design to slightly extend depth of focus and diffractive EDOF IOLs preserve high levels of visual acuity in the presence of residual defocus and astigmatism, while multifocal IOLs are more sensitive to them, demonstrating the robustness of the diffractive EDOF IOL and the limited tolerance of multifocal IOLs, as reported in the literature. Therefore, this study validates the use of computer simulations to evaluate the TRE of IOLs.
Additional posters and papers from Johnson & Johnson Vision and its research partners at the ARVO Annual Meeting 2022 include:
- Effect of Axial Length on the Quality of ONH Scans Acquired from SS-OCT and SD-OCT in Highly Myopic Eyes. Loh, Isabella Q.
- Changes in visual function in eyes with myopic traction maculopathy over 1 year. Wong, Qiu Ying Chuang.
- Design Concepts for a Myopia Control Soft Contact Lens. Brennan, Noel.
- Evaluating accommodative response of eyes wearing soft contact lenses for myopia control. Cheng, Xu.
- Differences in mRNA to Protein Expression Levels in a Spontaneous Myopia Guinea-Pig Model. JIANG, Liqin.
- Impact of zone geometry on the introduction of myopic defocus in young eyes wearing multizone lenses. Sah, Raman Prasad.
- Influence of Age and Race on Axial Elongation in Myopic Children. Shamp, Wright.
Cataract, Refractive, Vision Science and Dry Eye:
- Modelling the expected effect of correcting chromatic aberration on visual performance. Nankivil, Derek.
- Novel telescopic system for subjective evaluation of intraocular lens designs. Lundström, Linda
- Glass Burn Threshold: An Innovative Method to Characterize Refractive Femtosecond Laser Performance. Rahaman, Amanur.
- Comparison of two setups for subjective intraocular lens (IOL) evaluation. Dmitry, Romashchenko.
- Clinical measurements of peripheral contrast sensitivity in elderly phakic and pseudophakic eyes. Heredia, Aixa Alarcon.
- Auto-centration on a Femtosecond Laser for Refractive Corneal Lenticule Extraction Treatment. Chen, Li.
- The Impact of Pupil Transmission Apodization on Visual Performance at Different Light Levels. Kendrick, Chloe Degre.
- Development and Validation of the Patient Reported Spectacle Independence Questionnaire (PRSIQ). Vilupuru, Vidhya.
- Evaluation of Epithelial Cell Remodeling After a Lenticule Removal Procedure with a New Femtosecond Laser System. Laron, Michal.
- Impact of Glare Strength on Contrast Sensitivity in Pseudophakes. Lee, Kathrine.
- Comparative Analysis of Metrics for MTF at FAR for the Quality Control of IOLs. State, M.
- In vitro lipid surface area, emulsion stability characterization, and clinical performance of Blink® Triple Care lipid eye drop. Li, Yongcheng.
About Johnson & Johnson Vision
At Johnson & Johnson Vision, part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech, we have a bold ambition: to change the trajectory of eye health worldwide. Through our operating companies, we deliver innovation that enables eye care professionals to create better outcomes for patients throughout their lives, with products and technologies that address unmet needs including refractive error, cataracts, and dry eye. In communities with greatest need, we work in collaboration to expand access to quality eye care, and we are committed to helping people see better, connect better, live better. Visit us at, follow @JNJVision on Twitter, Johnson & Johnson Vision on LinkedIn, and @JNJVision on Facebook.
About Johnson & Johnson MedTech
At Johnson & Johnson MedTech, we unleash diverse healthcare expertise, purposeful technology, and a passion for people to transform the future of medical intervention and empower everyone to live their best life possible. For more than a century, we have driven breakthrough scientific innovation to address unmet needs and reimagine health. In surgery, orthopaedics, vision, and interventional solutions, we continue to help save lives and create a future where healthcare solutions are smarter, less invasive, and more personalized.
©Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc., 2022. All rights reserved.
*Johnson & Johnson Vision represents the products and services of Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., and the affiliates of both.
**Johnson & Johnson MedTech comprises the surgery, orthopaedics, vision and interventional solutions businesses within Johnson & Johnson’s MedTech segment.
***Xiao-Yu Song, MD, PhD is an employee of Johnson & Johnson Vision
1 Holy C, Kulkarni K, Brennan NA. Predicting Costs and Disability from the Myopia Epidemic – A Worldwide Economic and Social Model. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. 2019;60(9):5466-5466.
2 Flitcroft DI. The complex interactions of retinal, optical and environmental factors in myopia aetiology. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2012;31(6):622-660.
3 Donovan L, Sankaridurg P, Ho A et al Myopia progression rates in urban children wearing single-vision spectacles. OVS 2012;89(1):27-32.
4 Pärssinen O, Kauppinen M. Risk factors for high myopia: a 22-year follow-up study from childhood to adulthood. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2019;97(5):510-518.
5 Hu Y Ding X Guo X Chen Y Zhang J He M Association of age at Myopia onset with risk of high myopia in adulthood in 12 year follow up of a chinese cohort. JAMA Ophthalmol 2020 138(11):1129-1134
6 Holden BA, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, et al. Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050. Ophthalmology 2016;123:1036-42.
7 Tideman JWL, Snabel MCC, Tedja MS, et al. Association of axial length with risk of uncorrectable visual impairment for europeans with myopia. JAMA Ophthalmology. 2016;134(12):1355-1363.
8 Szanton SL, Walker RK, Roberts L, Thorpe RJ, Jr., Wolff J et al. (2015) Older adults' favorite activities are resoundingly active: findings from the NHATS study. Geriatr Nurs 36 (2): 131-135.
9 Grzybowski A, Kanclerz P, Muzyka-Woźniak M (2019) Methods for evaluating quality of life and vision in patients undergoing lens refractive surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 257, 1091-1099.
10 Fisus AD, Madaras Z, Horbath KU (2017) The prevalence of dysphotopsia in patients with recent cataract surgery. Acta Medica Marisiensis 63: 15-18.
11 Chang D, Pastuck T, Rosen R, Hollmann S, Babic T, et al. (2020) Violet and Blue Light: Impact of High-Energy Light on Vision and Health. J Ophthalmic Stud 3 (2):